James Schramko here. Welcome back to SuperFastBusiness. Today, I want to share with you something that can actually really damage your business, and you may be doing it without even realizing.
But what is this thing that can cause so much damage and is so easy to do? It’s simply something that you are naturally urged towards. I think it’s built into you and that is to fit in, to follow along with what everyone else is doing, to stay in that little comfort zone and to not stick out too much. Well, in marketing terms, sticking out or differentiating is actually the way forward because now you can become you and it’s what makes you different to everyone else and you do stand out.
Now, there are some downsides. I remember how upset I was when I saw a one-star review for my book on Amazon or I saw one negative podcast comment, which was barely legible and probably a joke. But it still hurts a little bit. When you stick out and you get some attention, it can hurt when you get that feedback.
But the other thing is you are sticking out and you’ve separated yourself from the sea of mediocrity. So, avoid being like everyone else and trying to fit in. Fitting in costs you because you’ll become boring and anonymous. So, stick out, move forward, take advantage.
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