The big danger when we ask clients what they want is they may not know what’s good for them. They might know what they want. But ideally, if you wave the magic wand, people say, Well, I’d love a world-class education for free, I want you to come around to my house and clean my floors and cook my meals and drive me to the surf. Like, that’s not realistic.
So other people out there in the market, guys like Ryan Levesque, for example, they teach a different technique, and that is to ask people what their challenge is. And now you’re starting to get into the zone. Because if you find out what people’s challenges are, then they may not know how to solve them, but you may. And then you can start creating programs and putting the marketing on them that really helps people identify that this would be a great program for you. So that’s focusing more on the problem than the ideal solution.
Now there can be some middle ground. So one of the things that I did in my business was a win-back campaign. And that’s where I thought, Well, gee, I’ve had my membership since 2009. And it’s been going for a long time. In that time, I’ve still got a third of the members that I’ve ever had, which is phenomenal. When you think about the average retention of being years, that is really good. But there’s still, you know, the bulk of people are not still members. So I wanted to go out to my database, and I wanted to ask for people’s opinion. So this is leaning more in the case of asking people to tell me what they want. But I went out and said, Look, I’m making some changes to my program. And I just would love to have your opinion. If you were in my shoes, you know, and you used to be a member of the program, what would you change about the program? Like, what suggestions have you got for me? And so that’s phase one of the win-back campaign.
I’d also send it to separate segments. I’d send a segment to people who were members, who are no longer members, and I’d send it to members because their feedback, obviously, is critical. They’re still paying members. Then what I do is break down the answers. And I put all of the answers into a spreadsheet, and I look for the patterns. And then what I do is go back and I communicate it to everyone who I’ve sent this to saying, Thank you so much for your advice. I have broken it down into three categories. One is the category of things that you’ve suggested, but we actually already have. So, maybe I haven’t communicated this well enough. But we already have this, like we already have private coaching, we already have Ask Me Anything calls, we already have recordings of our live events. Some people ask for these, but they’re actually already there. So I’d improve the way that I communicate that.
The second part, I would say, Look, here are the things that were suggested that we can’t do. People might say, Oh, I’d like to pay for my membership in Bitcoin, or I think we should have a call once every day or whatever, and there might be some things that I just don’t want to do. And I might even give a reason why, if it’s justifiable. I might say, Look, I think one call a day might be just a bit too intensive on me. And I may not enjoy the membership. And it also probably from my past experience, is probably a little too intensive for most of the audience. If you wanted a program that does a daily call then there are probably other programs out there for you.
And then the last part is, Here are the suggestions that were awesome, that we are going to change. We’re going to make our community easier to navigate. We’re going to trim old trainings and put them into archives, we’re going to add additional new trainings that will be shorter, and more up-to-date, etc. you know, and list all the things that people suggest that were good ideas. And then you put at the end, and for the segment who were members, but are no longer members, you might say, By the way, I just want to say thank you for your advice. And I’d love to offer you this loyalty rate if you’d like to return before we introduce these changes and increase our rates. That campaign got me hundreds of sales. So that’s something you could do. If you wanted to find that middle ground between delving in problems and you want to work mostly with people who have been customers, that win-back campaign, which is inside SuperFastBusiness – I actually documented all of the emails and exactly how I did it and the results I got – would be a good starting point.
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