If you’re not in the market looking for something, if someone comes to you with an offer then it’s always in their favor for you to go ahead with them. And ideally, they’d love you to do that without any competition. And because you weren’t thinking about it, or putting energy into it, your muscle for the market is probably quite low.
So generally, I would say it is worth doing a little bit of research. And switching from being reactive to proactive and saying, right, well, if this is now on my radar, and this is something that does fit within my plan, and I like it, then I’m also going to go to the market and see what the market is offering. And then if it’s still a great offer, and it stands out, then I can go ahead with some peace of mind.
And if it’s not a great offer, and it doesn’t stand out, then I can at least go back to them with the loyalty of saying, I think you’re just not quite in the market, if you still want to deal with them. And they can have the opportunity to adjust. And what you’ll find for most suppliers is there’s someone else offering that thing in the market. So it’s a matter of going out and finding that and asking for referrals from people you know.
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