James Schramko here. My question today: how long will it be till you put your offer out to the market?
I am coaching lots of people and it’s fascinating seeing the varying degrees of speed of execution. I’ll get some emails from people who are sort of sniffing around the edges, thinking maybe they’ll join SuperFastBusiness Membership and when I ask them what they’ve got going on, they tell me they are working on a potential offer. They hope to get it out in a couple of months from now and maybe by the end of the year have twenty members.
And then I say to them, it’s February. Why 20? Why the end of the year? Why a couple of months? So these are all questions I’m curious to know. I was having a chat to another member of mine in a higher-level group in SilverCircle, and in the afternoon, he had an idea about a new product line and we thought it’d be a good idea for him to test it. Three hours later, he sent me the link to his new domain, sales page and offer that was all ready to go.
Now, contrast that. Someone’s going to wait months to maybe have a small aspirational sale, the other person has taken their idea and put it down and created the offer and got it out to the market within hours. So I challenge you – are you really moving as fast as you need to to get out into the marketplace? Probably the time frames you’re putting on things is way too long. When my team tells me they’d like a couple more videos because our audience are asking for them, I will create them. I could create 10 or 20 in a single session if that’s the timing that needs to happen. I’m not going to wait a week or a month or six months.
So get on to it, move quickly and that is because your competitors are moving way, way faster than you are and get it out there. Hope this is inspirational. I’ll speak to you on a future video.
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