James Schramko here. I want to talk about the myth of you’re doing it for your kids.
I often see entrepreneurs bragging about how busy their schedule is, and how hard they’re grinding and they’re doing it for their family. But then little Johnny’s soccer match is not going to be visited by dad because dad is doing some kind of launch or whatever. I just think that’s a bit sad.
Let’s be real here, you’re not doing it for anyone else but yourself. It comes from this deep need for significance, for ego, for whatever reason. Somewhere early on in your life, perhaps. You’re just seeking to prove to the world something. So, let’s just get real. Maybe it’s time that we stop measuring money as the big success factor. Maybe it’s time we step back a little bit from pure ego and we think about what’s more important in our life where things like relationships and having purpose and meaning can start to dial back in.
In fact, just looking after yourself. It’s no coincidence that the same people bragging about their schedules have a big sort of comeuppance event where they’ve had a health blow out or a health scare or something similar to that. So there is a cost to this, and I just passionately want to say this – dial in more success meaning to things other than just money. And if your schedule is so packed out that you’re never seeing your kids, remember they value time with you, the parent. They don’t appreciate that you’re off there earning money to buy them a house or food. They’d rather you were just home.
So find leveraged ways to make the money. Work less and make more with more important business structures, more leverage, go for recurring income. Get real about how big your business has to be to have a great life. It probably doesn’t have to be $50 million a year business. If it does, there’s probably something internal going on with you. And I’ve seen some of these people talk about how, you know, emotion’s just going to get in the way of success. Well, I think being tuned into emotion is actually being successful and tune in to yourself. If this inner fiber of you is screaming that this is wrong and that you’re overcooking it, step back a bit before you end up in a hospital ward.
I’m James Schramko. I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s discussion. More of this sort of stuff at jamesschramko.com.
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