James Schramko here. Today I want to help you avoid taking one step forward and then one step backwards in your business.
When I was a general manager running a large business, we used to run an advertisement for salespeople. And I would get over a hundred applicants. I would interview 21 applicants, seven people a day for three days. Then we’d have a day off and call back people for finals after we’ve done reference checks, and then we would hire two to four salespeople.
And then I would train them for two weeks, and by that time they were quite competent, even if they’d never sold before. So we had a fantastic recruitment system, so good that Mercedes-Benz asked me to share it with the other people in our dealership network.
Now what I see happen a lot with small businesses is, you go and hire one person, and this is great – you can hand off the tasks that have been bogging you down and they start off on the tasks. And then you know what happens after a little bit? That person leaves or they get sick or they want to travel the world or it’s not the job they want to do anymore or they got an inheritance or they go into business with someone else, etc.
And now it’s back to you. So if you want to avoid ever have to go back to the work that you delegated, please, hire two people. Two steps forward means you only go one step back if someone leaves, but you’re still one step forward of where you are right now.
So that’s my advice, hire two or more if you can, once you know this role is needed, and that way you can grow. In my little business, we have five full-time contractors, and that is a team that is protecting me from having to ever do the things that I really shouldn’t be doing, like editing this video and posting it to social media and my website.
Thank you, team, I love you.
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