James Schramko here. I’m going to ask you, are your team members in your business working a job or are they on a mission?
A lot of business owners reflect about their team members as if they’re just cogs in a machine. The reality is that humans have feelings and emotions, and they’re people. And one thing that’s even more important than a steady paycheck (which of course is a staple, absolute, fundamental foundation, please pay your people on time or early) is to be a part of a mission.
Think about those people who work in NASA on fantastic space missions, where they’re going off exploring and discovering things. That’s more exciting than just the technical description of a job. Technical description might be clerk, they might do some checks and balances on paperwork. There might be a computer programmer. The mission is taking, you know, a machinery into space to discover new frontiers. How can you make your business a mission?
It’s really good, sometimes too, to think about this with your team, to explain with passion why you’re doing what you’re doing, what results would be fantastic, how you’re going to make change in the world, and how each person’s contribution is absolutely critical to the mission. And that way you’ll get some buy-in, you’ll also have a lot more fun and everyone is going to lift up and perform to a fantastic level.
And, of course, anything that demotivates people from their mission should be removed. Take away the things that annoy people and stop people achieving their role in the mission.
Hopefully, this is a fun, little training for you. I’m James Schramko. This is jamesschramko.com.
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