If you find yourself getting paid by just one client, because you’ve stopped doing whatever you did to get that client, or you had others and they left, you got to start back to what you know.
So the first step would be to reset. How did you get that client? How did you get the other clients? Go and do that again and start getting more clients. The next move is to find out why that client is still there, like what is it about them that makes them happy with what you’re offering? Because you can then replicate that in your sales messaging and find more clients like that. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a bad client experience in the past, you learn from that and you adjust your filters.
It’s very important to focus on which sort of clients you want. And also, which sort of clients you don’t want and exclude them in your offer or in your conversation or your application. Get rid of those clients who are going to be a drama for you, who you’ve had bad luck with before. You don’t have to deal with them in the future. So tune, refine, adjust your filters.
So just to recap. Go and find out why this client loves you, put that back into your messaging, do what you did before but screen out the bad ones. And when it comes to referrals, just keep this in mind. Often the referral is not as nice as the person referring. I’ve found this to be true when I was selling. I’d have a lovely customer, they were a dream to deal with, no hassle and then they referred me someone who’s like a ballbuster, who wants to haggle, they want to shop around, they’re difficult. And I couldn’t believe they’re from the same nice referral.
But the fact is, you should set them on their own merits, you should judge them as if they’re fresh and put them through the same filters. Don’t let the good referrer be a vouch for this one, because they might not be so nice. Once you’ve got a few in motion, then now you’re back up to strength. And you’ve got less compromise, it’s less job-like. You will find through their questions and the iterations of your business that certain things are going to take, other things are going to lag, trim the lag, lean into the take and grow your business that way and you’re back up and running.
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