Podcast: Download (Duration: 3:01 — 2.9MB)
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In this episode:
00:07 – I’m now using Wistia
00:52 – The advantages of Wistia player
01:49 – The trade-off in numbers
Gain access to valuable business resources
Sweet Video SEO player. [Click To Tweet].
Play video on any device. [Click To Tweet].
James Schramko here with an update and I’m going to tell you why I switched to Wistia for my video player on this site.
You’re probably watching this video or perhaps you’re listening to the audio on iTunes. But in any case, if you are looking at the video, you’ll see that the player is now a Wistia Player. So why did I change?
Why I Changed to Wistia Player
I’ve been a big fan of LeadPlayer this whole time and I still use it for videos that are not mine. LeadPlayer allows you to cache and opt-in in your video. Now Wistia also has that feature. They’ve recently released that, if you happen to use one of the world’s well-supported email providers. Now they don’t happen to use it for the one I use, but there is another thing they have that’s cool: and that is a call-to-action at the end of the video.
So I can still direct people to my free training in the video or I could put a direction to a webinar or something to that effect. The things that I do like about the Wistia player is that it gives a very good user experience. There’s zero leakage to YouTube. You can’t even see a little watermark in the corner which you could sometimes with LeadPlayer. It also allows for me to have very good SEO compatibility. It’s got an SEO description builder and it hooks in the video sitemap. And when those thumbnails appear on the search results and people click on them, it brings them back to my site.
Plus, one of the greatest things ever is now I’m able to pass the email variable into the video when I send a broadcast. And depending on how much of the video you are watching, if I have your email address I could then trigger a specific response. If you watch a certain amount of the video, then I could actually send you a follow-up. If you watch only a little bit then I could send you back to the video.
So these are the sort of smart integrations that you can really only get with Wistia and that’s why I’ve switched back across. So you’ll see me roll this out across the whole site. I’m looking forward to getting more SEO traffic, less leakage to YouTube and I’m still able to direct my traffic around this site for opt-ins.
Still Using LeadPages
I’m still using LeadPages and I’m still having an opt-in on my header bar. So, I might sacrifice 27 to 30 opt-ins a month from my LeadPlayer captcha. However, I expect there’ll still be opt-ins so let’s say I’m losing maybe 10 and I think that gaining SEO and the control and the ability to send someone back to another video is far more important. So that’s why I changed. I hope that all makes sense. I look forward to bringing you updates as we make changes to this site. I’m James Schramko and a special thank you to Wistia for making such good video technology.
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Please comment below:
Dave Newgass says
One of indicators I use as part of my ‘bull shit meter’ is Wistia.
If you have online videos and aren’t using it, you score 10 points on the bull shit scale.
If you do use Wistia, it’s -10 points.
We are already off to a good start!
Dave Newgass says
One of indicators I use as part of my ‘bull shit meter’ is Wistia.
If you have online videos and aren’t using it, you score 10 points on the bull shit scale.
If you do use Wistia, it’s -10 points.
We are already off to a good start!
James Schramko says
Carol Amato says
Hi James,
Just clicked through your link and paid annually for unlimited. Thanks for keeping us up to date on what you use and why…
Would be wonderful for a quick tutorial on how you optimize the descriptions of your videos in Wistia.
Looking forward to this wonderful upgrade. Will continue using LeadPlayer for videos that aren’t mine.
Always enjoy your content!
– Carol Amato
Guest says
Hi James,
Just clicked through your link and paid annually for unlimited. Thanks for keeping us up to date on what you use and why…
Would be wonderful for a quick tutorial on how you optimize the descriptions of your videos in Wistia.
Looking forward to this wonderful upgrade. Will continue using LeadPlayer for videos that aren’t mine.
Always enjoy your content!
– Carol Amato
Guest says
P.S. Never mind on the request…They have tons of great tutorials. ;-)
James Schramko says
Wistia ROCKS!
James Schramko says
Thank you Carol I am sure this will be a very profitable move!
Suellen Hughes says
Loved Bob’s cameo ;)
Suellen Hughes says
Loved Bob’s cameo ;)
James Schramko says
He loves the camera. I gave him a walk in part and he mucked it up. Should I publish it anyway?
Suellen Hughes says
James Schramko says
Ok watch out for my ‘never work with animals’ version of a video news post
Scott Wilson says
Great info James and thanks for sharing why you’ve moved. Makes a lot of sense and I especially liked the email info you talked about. Plus as an added bonus the WISTIA player looks good we well. Loved Bobs walk through apperance.
James Schramko says
Nothing looks better than wistia. And bob knows it!
Scott Wilson says
Great info James and thanks for sharing why you’ve moved. Makes a lot of sense and I especially liked the email info you talked about. Plus as an added bonus the WISTIA player looks good we well. Loved Bobs walk through apperance.
James Schramko says
Nothing looks better than wistia. And bob knows it!
kbeller says
Wistia is AWESOME…. I love it. Good Bye Vimeo…. Thanks for the heads up.
kbeller says
Wistia is AWESOME…. I love it. Good Bye Vimeo…. Thanks for the heads up.
James Schramko says
Yes yes yes
Mike Pedersen says
Hey James, I used the free trial of Wistia and was very impressed. Isn’t the paid quite expensive? Also, don’t we need to host these videos as well? Like on AmazonS3? I really like how the player is stripped clean and looks great. Now if I could get over the fact I don’t like seeing myself on video…UGH!
Mike Pedersen says
Hey James, I used the free trial of Wistia and was very impressed. Isn’t the paid quite expensive? Also, don’t we need to host these videos as well? Like on AmazonS3? I really like how the player is stripped clean and looks great. Now if I could get over the fact I don’t like seeing myself on video…UGH!
James Schramko says
Hi Mike, Wistia is a top level solution and will cost more than some other options. Expense is relative though. I bought the top plan and it made a difference to my business (because my customers get a really high quality video experience). You dont need to host these videos – Wistia is the host and the player (like YouTube).
Mike Pedersen says
Oh…that is great news. I thought we had to host them. Thanks!
James Schramko says
and beyond that I just drag my videos into dropbox and it loads up automatically using Fuzed app https://www.jamesschramko.com/blog/smarter-followup-for-higher-conversions-with-jake-hower
Carol Amato says
Hi James,
I’ve been enjoying Wistia, but have also been uploading my videos to my YouTube channel for extra exposure.
However, in the search results, YouTube video trumps my Wistia video.
Question, if I stop uploading videos to YouTube, will that allow my Wistia videos do better in the results? I have already added the video sitemap and optimize for SEO…
Thanks in advance. :)
– Carol
Guest says
Hi James,
I’ve been enjoying Wistia, but have also been uploading my videos to my YouTube channel for extra exposure.
However, in the search results, YouTube video trumps my Wistia video.
Question, if I stop uploading videos to YouTube, will that allow my Wistia videos do better in the results? I have already added the video sitemap and optimize for SEO…
Thanks in advance. :)
– Carol
James Schramko says
Wistia trumps YT for me try this search: – https://www.google.com.au/search?q=why+i+switched+my+videos+over+to+wistia&oq=why+i+switched+my+videos+over+to+wistia&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2.8518j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8 Plus the Wistia thumbnail will lead people back to MY site not that of YT. Name your videos differently in each place and you will have two bites at the search results.
Guest says
Thanks ever so much, James!
Now why didn’t I think of that?
So happy I asked you, and more thankful that you took the time to respond.
Carol Amato
James Schramko says
good luck Carol!
Paul Smart says
How awesome would it be for podcasters if there was a mobile app with Wistia-like features? Know when podlisteners turn off, repeat, speed up; deliver visual content like slides; offer premium content when an email address is entered while listening; open web links in a pop up window while podcast plays. The ideas keep churning out when you think about it
VineyardPaul - Quiet Mutiny says
How awesome would it be for podcasters if there was a mobile app with Wistia-like features? Know when podlisteners turn off, repeat, speed up; deliver visual content like slides; offer premium content when an email address is entered while listening; open web links in a pop up window while podcast plays. The ideas keep churning out when you think about it
James Schramko says
Possibly they have a feature
VineyardPaul - Quiet Mutiny says
But because the podcast is downloaded to the portable device you need a client side app on the device
James Schramko says
a lot of people stream the audio onsite still
goodnutsss says
So in order to
download Wistia videos, in this article we will recommend a third-party
downloader – Allavsoft for you. Allavsoft is a great tool workable on 1000+
websites, almost covering all the popular sites.
goodnutsss says
So in order to
download Wistia videos, in this article we will recommend a third-party
downloader – Allavsoft for you. Allavsoft is a great tool workable on 1000+
websites, almost covering all the popular sites.