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In this episode:
00:01 – Buddhism and business
00:43 – The philosophy of a clean mind
01:24 – Being in command
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A clear mind puts you in command. [Click To Tweet].
OK, I’m currently in the garden where they worship Buddha and the sacred tree. The whole idea around this Buddhism sounds pretty good. It’s about having a clear mind, eating well, doing yoga, achieving wisdom, and getting subconscious with it. And above all, they’re talking about concentration and being a good listener.
Now these things will also help you be really good in life and in business, so I highly recommend you check out this Buddhist shrine here in Thailand. It’s got a huge Buddha, the third biggest one in the world. I’ll show you some pictures from around the gardens here.
It’s all about concentration
It’s real interesting hearing about this whole philosophy of a clean mind and doing yoga. Eating good food will get you a good brain, which brings you wisdom, and that increases your subconscious mind, and you’ll never make the wrong move. This stuff is really old. It’s 380 years old. It’s pre- what we see here in modern society. I’ve also learned that it’s all about having good concentration, because that brings wisdom, and with wisdom you actually can end up making it all the way to Nirvana, which actually means emptiness, or being outside the circle.
Escaping the circle
But the core message is this: If you have a clean mind, you are in command, and that means that you make less mistakes, and you’re going to have a good life. You can actually escape the circle of having to be reincarnated over and over again, and you can go off into emptiness, and that’s the ultimate. I’m James Schramko, catch you again soon.
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Please feel free to comment below:
Matt Dippl says
Great post James – Takes a lot of courage to address these things because they often seems to be to woo woo.
I have been a buddhist monk in Burma for 6 weeks when I was 21 and never left the path since then. Buddhism is such a vast topic.
Over the last years I worked a lot on bringing buddhist concepts into my business life. Check out the book “Conscious Business” by Fred Kofmann. He is a business exec coach teaching fortune 500 companies.
I think you will like it. Thanks for being who you are James – always learning… Inspiring.
Matt Dippl BHSc, IFM says
Great post James – Takes a lot of courage to address these things because they often seems to be to woo woo.
I have been a buddhist monk in Burma for 6 weeks when I was 21 and never left the path since then. Buddhism is such a vast topic.
Over the last years I worked a lot on bringing buddhist concepts into my business life. Check out the book “Conscious Business” by Fred Kofmann. He is a business exec coach teaching fortune 500 companies.
I think you will like it. Thanks for being who you are James – always learning… Inspiring.
James Schramko says
Matt what a unique story! Thank you for sharing that
Matt Dippl BHSc, IFM says
You’re welcome James. :-)
I think what is really practical on a level of Business is the ethics behind buddhist practice.
If one adheres to a code of ethics like i.e. no stealing or lying it’s way easier to wake up with a clear mind in the morning.
Because when we look inside our mind in meditation and we find a lot of traces from selfish acts in our conscience we will not be very easy and relaxed – hence often buddhism starts with ethics before meditation.
Another one is generosity of which you are a prime example James. The Buddha stated that generosity of time, knowledge and money is the cause for wealth and abundance. The way you give away free information makes a lot of people happy!
That’s why I think moving the free line is such a bulletproof concept and the scaling ability of the internet made it possible for a lot of entrepreneurs to build wealth so fast. The truth always delivers…
James Schramko says
I really resonated with the ethics. Also, they mentioned about suffering on earth and the towers have crooked corners to represent human imperfection.Fascinating
Denise Oyston says
Loving this video James. Loving also the range of support your are giving from conversion stats to cleaning our mind. More More please!
Denise Oyston says
Loving this video James. Loving also the range of support your are giving from conversion stats to cleaning our mind. More More please!
James Schramko says
Thank you for your support Denise. I appreciate you
Michael Harwood says
Ahh… I hope green curry passes as good food. I can’t wait to hit Thailand next month.
Michael Harwood says
Ahh… I hope green curry passes as good food. I can’t wait to hit Thailand next month.
James Schramko says
The green curry is incredible in Thailand
Carol Amato says
Interesting video – agree that focus and concentration are definitely needed, but ’emptiness’ is the ultimate goal? Didn’t resonate with me…
I do enjoy your site.
– Carol
Guest says
Interesting video – agree that focus and concentration are definitely needed, but ’emptiness’ is the ultimate goal? Didn’t resonate with me…
I do enjoy your site.
– Carol
James Schramko says
Hi Carol, I can see why nirvana may seem like a strange goal. perhaps someone skilled in this will develop that answer. A lot of people have too much going on, too much noise, too much busy. There is a lot to be said for simplicity. Removing clutter and complexity is very satisfying. Less is more
Guest says
in the context of your clarification, I absolutely agree – thanks! :)
vkool says
Good writing. I like doing yoga and meditation. Those are two methods to clean our mind effectively. Yoga is good for health and mind, while meditation is extremely good for our mind.
vkool says
Good writing. I like doing yoga and meditation. Those are two methods to clean our mind effectively. Yoga is good for health and mind, while meditation is extremely good for our mind.
jazztothebone says
Thank you. This came at the perfect time. I know several musicians who are meditating and it seems to help.
jazztothebone says
Thank you. This came at the perfect time. I know several musicians who are meditating and it seems to help.
James Schramko says
very cool!