James Schramko here and I’m from jamesschramko.com. When I coach people, sometimes they have a whole list of things that they are trying to achieve. And my first job is to actually remove everything and to just put one thing back. In fact, when they’re asking me for help and they outline the situation, I usually know the next ten steps but I’ll only give them the first one.
The easy way to get momentum is to create an easy first step. What is the minimum that could be done to move this forward? What’s that one baby step? If you can just move forward with that, you’ll get excited about the next step. When I’m helping someone create a big product or a new service, I might encourage them to just put the very first version of it out there, even if it’s free or a low price. All we want to see is that people start opting in for it or paying $10 for it so that we get encouraged about that and excited to create the rest.
So my advice today is take everything off your plate and just put back one thing and go for it. I hope you’ve enjoyed this. I’m James Schramko. More information like this inside SuperFastBusiness Membership where I coach online businesses to their success. I’ll see you in there soon.
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