James Schramko here. And today, I’ve been traveling. I actually went from Sydney, up to the Gold Coast. And during my travels when I was going to the airport, at the airport, and then I arrived at the airport, a funny thing happened.
I was getting a couple of phone calls from friends of mine. And it turns out, they’d seen my video go up on LinkedIn and another person saw my video go on Instagram. And I think they actually confused omnipresence with omni availability.
Firstly, they probably presume that I’m sitting there loading up the video, which is simply not the case, because I have a team. And secondly, because they’ve seen my videos every single day getting loaded up consistently, they probably presume that I’m always on. The reality is, it only takes me about 20 minutes to make enough videos to last two weeks. And when they’re loaded into my team’s system, they then distribute those videos.
So the big point here is, you can have an omnipresent focus for your marketing, you can be there where your customers are across multiple platforms on a daily consistent basis. But that does not mean you have to spend your entire life on social media and being omnipresent.
So there you go. You don’t have to be available all the time. You can have your own time. Your media can do the work while you’re not. This is a “Work Less Make More” tip.
I’m James Schramko. Check out my book on Amazon. It’s called “Work Less Make More“. And I hope you can join me inside JamesSchramko Membership where I coach you to get more optimal routine from your lifestyle. So you don’t have to work all the time. But your business is still always working for you and having consistent revenue.
Take care.
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