James Schramko here with a few tips on how to sell more copies of your book. If you have a book, and you really should if you want to become an authority in the marketplace, here are a couple of things to focus on.
Number one, have a great cover. The title of the book and the cover of the book is really important. When I first published my book, the cover was not ideal compared to the cover now. The now cover is much more compelling, and is using most of the cover to put the words. And the words, “Work Less Make More”, convey a clear benefit. And it’s easy to understand what this book is about.
Other things you can do is prior to the book being launched, build up to the book. Talk about the book, share little snippets from the book.
I also validate things from the book. Often my monthly training in SuperFastBusiness, or a presentation I do at someone else’s event will be a chapter of the book that I then give to my writer. So, I can get great market feedback and I can get questions answered.
But also people are seeded. In other words, they’re ready for more information just like that. So when the book comes, it’s easy to say, Hey, the book extends upon the information we talked about at such and such, or inside the membership.
Also, you can have a pre-launch campaign. So you can start sending the book out to people to read so that people can pre-order. If they order or pre-order, then you might send them a PDF version of the book. You can also have a campaign where once the book has been launched, then the people who you sent the PDF to, you might be able to tell them that it’s now available for them to leave reviews. Reviews early on can actually help propel the book as well, because it builds trust in your book when you have more of those five-star reviews.
When you know which other books your market are reading, go to those authors and get them on your podcast or be on their podcast. That’s a great way to reach out to the same audience profiles where your buyers will actually be. So I’ve gone and found what books show up as recommended books near my book. And I made sure that I speak to those people. Often, I’ll host them on my podcast.
And when it comes to the 80/20, podcasts are really a fantastic platform for authors to spread the word about their book. I’ve been on lots of other people’s podcasts talking about Work Less Make More. And every time I do, I get a huge spike in sales. And of course, if you have a podcast, and these days with people really liking to listen to audiobooks, make sure you make an audible version of your book.
And if possible, read your version because selling through multiple modalities is good. Kindle, Audible, and then the print copy — people like to consume in different ways.
So those are a few ways that you might be able to sell more copies of your book. I hope you found this useful.
If you want to get coaching in your business, then I can help you inside SuperFastBusiness Membership.
I’m James Schramko. Thanks for watching.
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