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If you have a lot of WordPress blogs, you may look at some backup solutions that are automated. We use Backup Buddy and version 3 has just been released. Another option that people like is ManageWP. I have used it before, it’s not so great if you have a lot of sites and I mean like over a thousand sites. It’s too expensive and it was not able to handle the volume. But for a handful of sites or a small number of sites, have a look at ManageWP and certainly use Backup Buddy 3 if you are looking for a nice, easy, automated backup solution.
Let’s talk about podcasts
Apple have put out a new podcast app which it could be good it could be bad but I think if people are downloading the app, they’re more likely to find your podcast. Hopefully you’re using podcast to broadcast and get authority. Let’s talk about some of the top podcasts that members of SuperFastBusiness acknowledged. Firstly of course, SuperFastBusiness, I hope you subscribe to this particular show in podcast format. You can check out the podcast link at the top. Also you want to check out FreedomOcean.com, my other podcast. For business users check out Mixergy.com and ILoveMarketing.com and also check out the podcast by Pat Flynn, Passive Income.
Let’s talk about mind-set
Mind-set is a big thing. I’ve recently read a book called Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield. If you’re still in the amateur mode and you want to learn about turning pro, read the book. It’s a big thing that you’re going to have to do is conquer your fears when you want to be more successful. There are lots of things holding us back, lots of resistance. So check out Turning Pro and find out how to be a professional.

- Have The Right Mindset
Should you be looking at brandable domains?
I think so. Our search results have been very positive from brandable domains. It means that when people know about you and they’re searching for you, then they can start looking for that rather than just the keywords for your industry. Now people are actually looking for you by name, it’s much easier to own that search position and your brand is probably worth something to sell. And if you look at all the top brands, Apple, Clickbank, Amazon, Yahoo, Google, they’re all brandables. So go for the brandable domain over the exact match keyword domain.
If you want to display nice content on top of your blog, check out the Slide Deck content plugin for WordPress. It allows you to show different pictures and you can slide between them its good looking and easy to use. It’ll integrate with WordPress beautifully.
So when you want to do keyword research, make sure you tap into your buyer. I suggest you go and have a look at some forums. Forums are where people are having a conversation and you can see what forum post titles they use. Quite often they’ll be headlines such as “How to”. How to is a great post title for keyword research and for creating content that will actually get you solving problems for your target audience.
When it comes to doing things like research, sometimes we put them off. Research, conversions, testing, doing updating things, backing things up, doing your accounts, these are all things that I call big rocks because unless you make time for them in your schedule, you won’t find time for them. And they’ll just get rolled over. And I’m afraid that you’re probably losing profit in your business as long as you avoid these big rocks. So just like the Steven Covey example, put the big rocks in first, and then you can fill in with the sand and the pebbles, the stuff that comes along every day because these things are not tapping you on the shoulder urgently screaming at you for them to be done. That’s why we tend to ignore them. So put them into your schedule, make sure you get to them.
Where do you go to study your competition?
I suggest you have a look at the following sites. Alexa.com, Compete.com, Quantcast.com then go along to SEMRush.com and ahrefs.com and start searching for your competitor’s sites in there. Put in their URL and see what they’re ranking for, what sort of links they have to their site, what sort of phrases people use to search, to find these people. And then you may be able to craft content and get links to your site with similar phrases to the ones you’d like.
Be sure to check out the Conversions Podcast that I put up at SuperFastBusiness, it’s a wonderful discussion I’ve had with Greg Cassar who’s a conversions expert and I’m sure you’ll get a few handy tips that will help you with your conversions without getting any more traffic. You should see more dollars or more opt-ins coming from the traffic you’ve already got.
I’ll look forward to speaking with you next week. Comments welcome!
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