Podcast: Download (Duration: 6:35 — 6.1MB)
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Video highlights:
00:17 – A million-dollar training program – now for free
02:11 – How far can this form take you?
03:11 – Does this work for everyone?
03:50 – How fast can you create a course?
04:14 – Here’s a little secret
04:39 – The action step today
05:01 – Can you teach your kid Internet marketing?
06:07 – Ask questions and get answers
Let James show you the next ten things you can do to double your business.
Map out a course in minutes. [Click To Tweet].
A simple guide to create a full program. [Click To Tweet].
The secret to creating a course outline. [Click To Tweet].
In this section here, I’m going to share with you an idea that is going to be pretty handy for you.
Firstly, I’m going to give you a form and this is a template. You’ll be able to download this where you see the recording of this. And this one is the course sheet. And I’ve taken my formula for laying out the format.
The Starting Outline
The format is not mine, I think it comes from way back, maybe Wyatt Woodsmall was the first or maybe even before him; certainly been popularized by modern people, especially from the NLP fields, it’s where I’ve heard it most.
The 4MAT model was originally developed by Bernice McCarthy in 1980 – the why, what, how, what if, and then I’ve put in action steps. There’s no point doing training without action steps. And I’ve put an intro then modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and then a summary.
This is a course outline. Now the idea of this is you print it off on a piece of paper, or replicate it somewhere, over later on your whiteboard or whatever. Then you fill in the squares fairly quickly, you could do it in, I’d say, one hour or less.
You could fill in this and you would have the draft of a full program, the value of which you could sell for millions. You could sell this at $2,000 a pop and sell lots of them, say like a Marie Forleo. You could give it away for free, like I do with Own The Racecourse.
From Service to Giveaway
But I want to share with you a process, because as you’ve seen Own The Racecourse, you may not know the full history on that. In its original version it was a done-for-you service. And then it was something that I taught at a workshop, and something that I did for my own team, I trained them on it. And people paid thousands to come to the workshop.
From the workshop, I then made a webinar for SuperFastBusiness members, and I sold the product as a standalone product. And then I made it a free giveaway. So that’s the life cycle of it.
Now recently, I was asked to provide a training for a private group on Facebook. So I went to my planner, I created a plan, I then created a Keynote from it. So I spent two hours mapping the planning and filling out Keynote.
And then from Keynote, we recorded the webinar, and then after the webinar I’ve now cut up the ScreenFlow recording into modules and I’m putting it inside SilverCircle and SuperFastBusiness. And that is the recurring subscription model business.
Now what I will do with that is let it run in those memberships for a while, and later it will probably be a free giveaway on the front of my blog and that’ll probably put it in the hands of 10,000 people.
But that will be later. And by that time there will be a new premium course to replace it. So that’s basically the little life cycle of this. That’s how far you can take a form, like this form, the course form.
Course Creation Made Easy
Now I’ve tested this with old people and young people. I gave one to my mum, and she did a whole course map for becoming a funeral celebrant. And she was able to fill it out in a coffee shop in one session. I also gave it to my son, who is at this time 18, and he was able to fill it out for a “learn to play the guitar course” to support an affiliate program that he’s doing.
So there you go. Old and new, it still works for everyone. It’s a great formula. If you print it out – now I print these on A3, that’s very large, that’s like a double page. And it’s easy to map out a course. You can create courses instantly.
Sometimes people join my mastermind and they tell me they’re going to create a course and it’ll be ready in about six months, and I say “Why six months? Why not sixty minutes? Why not six days from start to finish?” And it blows people’s minds how much faster they can do it when you have the proper format for this.
So fill in one of these sheets, and then, the secret is, just do the intro module and module 1. And publish it. Get it out there in minimum viable format. Then do module 2, and then 3, and then 4….
If you wanted to do this one module a week, you could have the entire course published within two months from now, and then if you don’t love it, you could redo the modules with the slide deck, just improve and enhance it. So get your minimum viable product out there.
Your Action Step
So the action step today is to print off one of these forms, which you can download right where you see the recording of this. And fill it out for your subject of choice, the one that people keep asking you for, the one that you’re passionate about, that you’re ready to build. And do it in less than an hour if you can, just map it out. And it’s very, very straightforward to do.
When Your Kid Wants To Learn IM
One of the questions relates to how you introduce your kids to Internet marketing. So he’s got a 12-year-old that wants to start his own sites. You definitely wait till they come to you, is my first tip, don’t go to them. Don’t force them to do anything.
I wait until my kids are interested, and then when they come to me then it’s a diagnostic questioning technique. You know, what result do they want? How important is it to them? Are they prepared to commit the time and energy for it?
Is it something that they’re going to start and then stop, or they want to continue through? Why don’t they just want to go and play on their skateboard or be a kid? Let them fight for it a bit, is my tip. And if he’s coming to you, then go through the questions.
Work out a model that’s appropriate, that could be done from someone of that age that hopefully is aligned to some kind of an interest that they might sustain. Kids tend to give up. Actually, adults give up too, especially one of the wanna-be’s who decide that they’re going to make millions online, a few little hard setbacks and they’re out, they’re gone.
But not SuperFastBusiness members. Because we post our daily actions and we ask questions and get answers.
This training was an extract from the live monthly mastermind inside the members area. Be sure to join today so that you can attend the next one and get all the other modules.
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Update: My friend Cate pointed out that the proven 4MAT teaching theory was originally by Dr Bernice McCarthy. You have to click through the subsequent pages but this is a good summary.
Perfect timing James. I’ve been thinking about this and wondering where to get start on my course designs. NOW I’VE GOT IT.
It’s the next thing on my list once I finish my book launch which is scheduled for later this months.
I appreciate the way you are so generous with your value content.
Just perfect rock solid advice – as always – thanks james
This is just awesome James! Thanks so much for sharing this and being so generous with the value you provide!
This process will come in very handy when I create my own online courses after my online event “The Branding Summit” I’m hosting later this year (which you’re actually part of too, thanks).
Keep up the awesome work!
Any chance you may have one of these with some filled out so I see exactly what you address in the “what” or the “what if” etc? Just an example
This looks interesting but there’s no context or explanation to provide clarity on what you should write in the boxes.
Where can I get the information that explains how to fill this sheet out?
I have a question about the the 4MAT model in the sheet. Arn’t the answers to the 5 questions more of the same in the collum intro and summary?
In the summary focus more on the what you learned and how to action it and any next steps