James: James Schramko here, SuperFastBusiness.com. I’m with John Lint from 10XPRO.io. Good day, John.
John: Hi, how are you?
James: I’m good. But I do have a question. And it relates to viral marketing campaigns. Well, one of the early products I purchased online was called Butterfly Marketing by Mike Filsaime.
John: Yeah.
James: Back in the day, there were all these tools you could get that would cause people to, you know, after you get their opt in, would have them starting to share your content and get more opt-ins.
John: Yeah.
James: And then legit tools came in, like actual tools that make it easy for people to do little bonuses and things if they share stuff, and unlock it. And it’s a faster way to grow the list.
Now, that’s about where I’m up to, I haven’t really been using these things. But I know that, that’s one of the features in your platform, 10XPRO.io. And I wondered if you could just tell me the basics that we should know about creating a viral campaign?
John: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, this is a great way to really double, triple, quadruple your list building very, very fast. We have many members doing that. I remember Robin Nolan, who is in very sub niche of the guitar market. And he built a huge list by doing that. So bottom line, a viral share campaign, it’s like the name implies, like sharing something and getting, hopefully, viral activity, like it goes, it gets spread very, very fast to different people. So it’s all built in with 10XPRO, we have all the tools. And there are a few things that you need. So the structure is someone is going to opt in, join your email list, they’re going to give you their email address in exchange for something of value, that is a cheat sheet.
James: Can we use my book, for example? On 10XPRO, I have a book funnel and I give away Work Less Make More on that.
John: Yeah.
James: And people opt in for the book. So what do I do now?
John: So basically, they give you their detail in exchange for that. So now the next thing is they reach a page. And usually it’s like, Hey, thank you! Check out the link to download it. What you could do is to send “Thank you, but then hey, you could offer them a mini training, for example, maybe a short little workshop, a video training, a mini class, a mini course, and you offer them, Hey, by the way, the book is on its way. It’s awesome, you’re gonna love it, I have a special course I just created.
James: So like the, Work Less Make More 30 days thing.
John: Something like that, yeah.
James: I could repurpose that as a back end to my book funnel.
John: Exactly! They could unlock it, if they want to share with their friends or something. Simply tell three of your friends to get the book, and I’ll send you that exclusive course, 100% for free. And below that they have a link that’s called the viral share technology that goes up, they have a special link that they can now just click and then share on social media, share with email, whatever they want. And now the whole system is tracking who referred so then automatically, once three of their friends opt in for the book, they are going to get an email from the system telling them, Awesome, your course is now available, check it out! They get rewarded, their friend also gets rewarded with the amazing book. And now they’re also going to get exposed to that offer about Hey, do you want that free course, right?
So that’s the gist of it. There’s multiple other ways to do it. But it’s offering something that’s related that has an expected high value that is going to motivate them. Yeah, sure. I’m just gonna tell my friend about this awesome book.
James: So basically, they get credit. They really want to have it and they just have to take this action to get it. But if it’s a share on social media, does that automatically register?
John: No no, it’s the opt-in that matters, right.
James: The opt-in.
John: So it only triggers when they get the opt-in.
James: So if they’re putting in fake email address or whatever, it’s not going to work?
John: No. And also there’s a safety mechanism that you can activate. But basically, you can only activate the confirmation that they opted in, like the friend opted in, if the friend confirms via email.
James: Like a double opt-in.
John: Like a double opt-in, right. But otherwise, that’s it and then you have something that’s basically working for you. And some people who share and it’s going to grow and grow and grow. And your list, all of a sudden you start building a 3000 member list, which I think Jeremy in Canada did that in a very small niche as well. And he basically exploded his list very very fast. Everybody wins.
James: Thank you for explaining that John. That’s awesome. It’s built in to 10XPRO.io
I’ve been chatting with John Lint. I think we better go and add something like that to our own funnel. I’m excited.
John: Cool.
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