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Learn the 5 essentials of a successful publishing business
In this episode:
01:00 – The hub of your campaign
02:28 – What should you be posting?
03:55 – One of the best traffic sources
04:45 – Getting good help
05:44 – Every online business needs this
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James Schramko here, welcome back to SuperFastBusiness.com. I hope you’re enjoying this podcast series. Today I’m talking about 5 must-haves for creating a highly profitable online publishing business. Sites like SuperFastBusiness.com get lots of traffic and make lots of sales from a publishing model. You hear about content marketing, you hear about podcasting, and I’m going to put it together for you. These are the things that I think are really important based on the multiple mediums and the rich content that I’ve been using to attract customers to this business.
So here we are.
A good quality self-hosted WordPress site
Number 1, you need a good quality self-hosted WordPress site. SuperFastBusiness.com is my main site and it’s where I put most of my marketing efforts. You might have heard of OwnTheRacecourse. That’s my training on how to do what we do here are SuperFastBusiness.com. And of the fundamentals is that you have your own Web property as the hub of your campaign.
This avoids the risk of someone else’s platform closing and taking your business along with them. So I recommend you have a site that is fast loading because no one likes to wait for a webpage to load. Make the user experience pleasant for your visitors. It should be well designed, an attractive layout, and easy functionality is a plus for any website. If you’ve got no basis to get started, just go and get the OTR classic theme. It’s $299 installed on our own website here.
Self-hosted – that means you have complete control over the customization of your site. So you’ll need a hosting company. Your business’s main site is where you place all your best content. So all your marketing elsewhere should aim to bring people back there.
Think of social media like Facebook as a satellite or outpost that brings people back to your site. When people come to your site, tag them with a retargeting cookie so you can now reach them through any other type of platform wherever they’re visiting if you need to get a hold of them. This is very powerful.
Valuable, rich media content
Number 2, valuable, rich media content. Place value-rich content in a variety of media on your site. It can be videos, articles, or infographics, it could be audio podcast. Put those episodes with accompanying transcriptions and images. For example, for this post, there’s an accompanying infographic.
Evergreen or timely extracts from live event recordings, trainings and webinars can be edited and turned into posts on your site to make it easier to repurpose material. Chapterize it according to topic. A good source of timely material is search analytics.
Find out what people are seeking online and create content based on that. Remember to have a look at your own website and see which part of your website is the most interesting to people. A post need not to be extensive. It should just deliver value. Some of the video posts and audio posts on SuperFastBusiness.com are just 4 or 5 minutes long but very popular.
Regularly updated content that helps people is the best way to rank well with Google. So resist using tactics like manipulative links. Google really likes original, fresh content that’s useful to users.
Number 3, podcasts. One of the best sources of traffics is podcasting. I have not just one but several podcasts that I host myself and that I co-host with other fellow entrepreneurs. They serve to attract people to my main blog and to my products and services where I eventually make sales.
Among the advantages of podcasting are: it creates huge value, it leverages the Apple and iTunes and stitches your marketplaces, it takes advantage of the mobile trend. People can listen to a podcast anywhere. It puts you in reach of people and away from the Google platform.
A good premise for your podcast is essential. Remember, you’re asking people to commit some time to your podcast, so make sure it delivers value.
A well-trained team
Number 4, a well-trained team. To keep the interest of your audience, a blog site and podcast must be regularly updated with fresh content. For that purpose, I have a well-versed team who operate virtually, and they take much of the work out of publishing. Among their responsibilities are editing video and audio material for posting.
So somebody edited this podcast. They put the little intro bumper, the outro bumper. Transcribing video and audio content; turning it into words. Drafting and publishing blog posts. You should never have to log in to your own website. Researching and creating infographics, like the infographic accompanying this post. It was illustrated by hand by a team member.
With the help of a team, you just need a little bit of audio, video, or some texts to put into Dropbox, and the team can do the rest. They can set it all up, publish it, and even syndicate the finished post. Syndicate is just a fancy word for sharing.
An email list
Number 5, an email list. One of your business’s most valuable assets is a great email list. These are your leads. This is where potential customers come from. So build your list. Offer reports or transcriptions for customer details. This is called a content upgrade or content leverage. Have an opt-in with each post. Let people know where your content is and how they can get more of it.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this 5 must-haves for creating a highly profitable online publishing business. If you’d like help from me with your business, please join my membership at jamesschramko.com/membership where I’ll be able to log in every day and answer your questions, and you can get help from other members of the community. You’ll grow your business much faster and you’ll never have to be isolated again.
I’m James Schramko, thanks for listening.
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Leave a comment: Which of these 5 essentials do you find the most challenging to work on?
Great, topical post for me, thanks James.
Number 4, having (and keeping) a well trained team who can be relied upon to run the content engine consistently and at a standard level is my largest challenge.
Great, topical post for me, thanks James.
Number 4, having (and keeping) a well trained team who can be relied upon to run the content engine consistently and at a standard level is my largest challenge.
Thats equivalent to finding Bing Dharma… agreed.
These episodes are good.
These episodes are good.
thank you Jake
1. You
2. Don’t
3. Know
4. Jack
5. Shit
1. You
2. Don’t
3. Know
4. Jack
5. Shit