James Schramko here, and I want to talk about hustle.
You may be aware I’ve got a book, Work Less Make More. And I’m quite an advocate for actually slowing down a little bit and enjoying your life. And I often question why these people hustle and hustle and grind and work really, really hard and skip their sleep and put their health at risk and relationships at risk because they’re so driven. And I wonder, who are they driving for? At what point did you get to that stage where you have to just work and work and that becomes life?
So I’d like to think of it like a fireplace. Yes, you have to go out and chop down trees and get the timber and light the fire, and there’ll be a bit of work involved. That’s the hustle phase. Once it’s lit and that log is burning and glowing, it’s OK to sit back a little bit and to warm your hands at the fire, roast a few marshmallows and enjoy the rewards for your efforts.
I hope this was helpful.
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