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In the video:
00:04 – James’ style and preference when recording a video
00:45 – On being comfortable when making videos
00:56 – Choosing the style you want
01:53 – Which would you prefer, A or B?
James Schramko here with a video tip.
Wow did I get in trouble when I put up my video post the other day from a comment. A gentleman called Kai suggested that I shave and that I wear a decent shirt and not a $5 shirt. Well okay, this my friend is a beautiful Merino blend shirt and it certainly is not a $5 shirt. This lovely jacket I got from Italy and it is very comfortable.
In fact, since I used to wear a suit from the age of 9 through the age of 36, I kind of enjoy not wearing a suit and tie anymore and that’s the whole point of working from home. Look I get it, I make sure I brush my teeth and I make sure the picture quality is good and the sound is okay. But I’m still just me, I want to communicate me. This is what I wear every day and don’t tell anyone but I don’t wear shoes very often either.
A few questions
So what I want to know today is, am I making a huge mistake? Should I be wearing a shirt? Should I be shaving? Do I need to step it up like these full scale production, make-up wardrobe, stylist, editing suite, movie set, and see if I can get myself on Oprah? Or should I go down the GaryV thing, should I be down playing it a bit – whack a few videos out while I’m in business class on my laptop? I don’t know – that or that? Or do you just want to take it as I am? I’ll let you decide but just to help you I’m going to show you a couple of little things.
To go with A or B?
I’m going to give you the A and the B versions. This is the A (different images on screen), and this is B – shirt from Italy and it’s stretchy as well. What do you think? Should I tszuj it up a little bit and show off the Rolex?
Listen I don’t know what you want but I’d love to hear from you. What should I do? Shave or not? Shirt with collar, or not? Be sure to place your comments below.
I’m James Schramko, speak to you soon.
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Awesome video James, I have enjoyed watching it, I think we might be on something here after all…it’s good to have healthy banter on a blog.
Here is my general opinion: You don’t make a huge mistake ! It just needs some fine-tuning if you are looking to perfect your videos.
Stay casual for a casual topic or a quick business message.
For example, let’s say someone did a video on “link building”, I personally would like to see them in a business like environment, a light blue shirt or a white shirt, a light grey shirt, all plane no thrills no pin stripes on them no tie needed and it doesn’t have to cost a bomb either, perhaps equipped with a flipchart or PowerPoint presentation in an office and not in a garden or in the outback’s :-)
Then casually… a video update a week later sitting in the garden with a coffee telling the audience that their link building efforts have pushed their webpage ranking to no 1 in Google and the hard work has finally paid off wearing the jeans and t-shirt or shorts since it gets very hot down under :-)
Look business like if the video is about business-related or complex subjects within a business themed website. It is all part of business branding unless you are “the rich jerk” and don’t care :-)
Not being over dressed, but clothing with the tendency to smartness and with a decent background, not black… but a pastel colour perhaps, or some sort of white. As for a colour choice of your top, def. no opposing colours to the background but also not too similar to the background.
A shave when in a studio using artificial lighting, looks cleaner to the audience & looks more professional to any viewer, no doubt.
If you just show face in your video the five o’clock shadow might look good. You said you have no boss, In this industry the audience is your boss ! Less audience means less business.
just a little fine tuning :-)
Keep the good work and many thanks
Kai thanks for commenting. I am interested in the audience, thats why I made this video after your comment. I do have professional services and most of my customers tell me they like me just as I am. I am open minded though and never wanted to assume. Hence this video..
Plane or Plain? :P – I must have made a big mistake, as I have a video of myself, overweight, chilling on a couch in a very old polo, talking about my link building software that I’m asking $37 for. 34% of people so far who saw the page, took the offer… wonder if the other 66% think like Kai? (btw – where is your video Kai?)
NO TO THE SUITS! You have to be yourself. Look at the ZUCK! He wears a hoodie and is better off than any of the ‘suits’… I think that the hoodie suits you and your brand… Keep up the good work mate. Don’t let these people who work in suits put you down – you have been there done that now you can enjoy working in whatever you want! :) Ben
OK James, I only have one word of advice… request… and I need you to take this very seriously…
If nudity is going to be involved, I need Beyonce to be miming your presentations…
Nuff said.
Noted. Funnily enough I think she is quite busy working on her own appearance http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/music-news/9854872/Beyonces-publicist-asks-for-unflattering-Superbowl-photos-to-be-pulled.html
Shave is not why I follow you.
Shirt is not why I listen to you.
Down to earth straight advice is.
If people want to judge on appearance that’s their loss and you can never please everyone so I say keep it real!
Thanks Sambo. I guess I have to create an environment that makes it easy for people to listen to me. Thumbs up for podcasting :)
It’s less about what you’re wearing and more about how. You’re already rocking the one peg approach(1); you’ve nailed an aspirational level – the deep pool/acreage & relaxed life while having a successful business. T-shirt is fine, and the watch dresses it up.
But, if you decide to do the shirt, drop down one more button. Not just for the ladies, but to keep it as relaxed as you are.
(1) http://www.tropicalmba.com/the-rule-of-6/
Rob if the pool were less deep it might be warmer lol. Thanks for the button tip.
OMG it’s the content that counts people! I reckon you should be as comfortable as you want James – tshirt, unshaven – I really don’t mind. As i said, it’s the content that counts. Your videos are great James. Keep them coming please.
Thank you Sarah
Since you are building a personal brand, I think honesty and transparency is key.
There is a lot of fake personalities on the internet, and if you want to differentiate yourself from the crowd I think being yourself is a good way to do it.
And if someone doesn’t want to work with you because of your look, maybe it’s not the right customer in the first place…
Shave – no need.
Nice collar shirt though, I gotta say… like the sleeve rolled up. Suits you :)
btw, I personally don’t like the ghetto style videos for any niche… it’s too affordable to do good video.
interesting Veit. I have made a few and the reason for that is because I am on the spot right then and there and an iPhone is what I have with me. It is not so much a matter of staging than getting the shot. If a UFO landed I’d be making the video with what I have before I go for the makeup ;)
your iphone videos on the road were never getto style… iPhone shoots really good quality video. and you are outside with good light and proper sound.
on location has a purpose for portable device, but I mean at home, in front of screen capture software – not doing a presentation, but filming oneself…
and you usually choose a good backdrop. some “internet marketers” shoot against their toilet door, and that give the wrong impression… that’s what I mean by getto style.
your business class photo looked anything BUT getto style…
Haha – I MUST do a Toilet door shoot – awesome! [Note business class Video is Gary V who does very casual videos from time to time. See them debate it here]
You crazy git…..
If I ever get another email with your shirt off, I’m going to report you. My eyes are bleeding now.
Kai certainly knows how he likes ’em. At least he has an opinion and that’s a good thing.
OK, on to the ‘voting’ –
Option ‘A’ – I like laid back, low profilin’ but still stylin’ James. Ditch the collar unless it’s date night with wifey. Shave or no shave? I’m not bothered! That’s a question for Mrs. Schramko.
What I don’t want to see is another half naked man in my inbox. If my wife looked over my shoulder when that popped up, I would just dial you number, hand her the phone and you can explain! LOL ;)
All I really want is updated, relevant info and the odd video like this to take a brain break.
It was one off :) it DID have a warning label…
the more casual look (“A”) but shave.
I love this post so much. Stick to being you buddy. What a classic video.
I don’t really give a t*ss what you wear mate – as long as its either A or B! :)
James, you are a legend mate! I love watching your videos, and wondering what backdrop or setting I’m going to get as I click on your link makes your videos even more interesting.
I don’t give your clothing much thought at all to be honest, but I’m all for understated rather than overstated.
As everyone (almost) above me has said, be yourself… it’s the message we’re after…
Kai might have a point in certain respects and in certain environments, but it simply doesn’t apply to you and your business!
warm appreciation thank you Brendon
haha this is a quality video James ! Loving your sense of humour in this one!
Personally I think you should dress how your audience expects you to dress. You have built a brand around the hoody from many years ago and even though you talk about solid business principles I don’t think it would suit you (or the videos) to wear a shirt for these vids, especially as you are filming outdoors.
Great context Suraj thank you!
I think it depends on who you are talking to at the time. Your subscribers are probably people who are working from home or have their own small business so your image is congruent with your audience. I personally don’t care less if you look scruffy or haven’t shaven. You look exactly like I do everyday in my home office.
I do sometime put on a shirt if the environment needs or expects it.
Regarding shaving. I personally do it for vanity reasons as I look far worse on camera with stubble, haggard and 10 years older. I think you can get away with it as you look pretty good with or without.
You’re not speaking to a corporate audience who wouldn’t take you seriously if you looked sloppy, so do whatever feels good, you have earned the right to do whatever you want. People take you as you are or they don’t.
It’s funny because I have actually been envious of the video production you have got going on. The amazing quality in video and sound, and have always just tried to listen to the valuable message you bring out.
Trying to have everything perfect is what stops people moving forward and you have just done what makes you happy.
You’ve made millions, so I wouldn’t change anything. I think you must being doing something right.
I have learnt a lot from this and will start getting videos out there immediately.
Thanks James.
Chris that is inspiring. If my casualness helps others that must be great! Go gettem!
Don’t change a thing… Stay yourself and that will be perfect.
For me its all about the content content content. I think going casual is fine – no shoes, hoody etc. I personally like that. It certainly doesn’t devalue any of the content.
Preferably not nude though :-)
A or B – they’re both OK for me!
Stay as you were
Love your work and sharing
“A shave when in a studio using artificial lighting, looks cleaner to the audience & looks more professional to any viewer, no doubt.”
just funny, i call them Pinguin, maybe Kai is a pinguin as well.
We should all wear only beautiful suit and look all the same, so this will be a perfect world…
sorry, but i don’t buy this, all bullshit, since i stopped wearing pinguin suit, i never ever made so much money and it’s growing…
my take, is that wear what you want to wear and that’s it, be yourself… i need to dress if i want to ask my bankers some money, but since i follow James, i do not need money, i just need James for the next thing…
Kai must follow other Pinguin, James is not one of them.
It’s so ridiculous how people always want to judge others. It’s your business and you should wear whatever you want and look however you want. I could care less if you shave or not or what type of shirt you have on or what the background is, etc…I just love the content!
Just continue to do you and be real!!! Forget about what anyone has to say about how you look, they’re not your boss! You don’t have to shave if you don’t want to! Some people want to treat their home based business as if they’re still working in a corporate environment and are use to others telling them what’s presentable. Forget them and continue to look how you want!
Right on Vernita! Next they will tell me I need to go to an office off-site etc…
I’m an internet newbie in that I have been lurking for about a decade. I’ve bought very little because so many so-called “gurus” want a customer to spend $1,997-where did they all get this number?-and only receive a downloadable package. I pay money for SUBSTANCE, Mr. Schramko….not fluff and definitely not style. Style is fleeting and pointless..to me anyway. I grew up very poor and my single parent spent all of our money making sure she was wearing some asshole designers name on her ass. She retired BROKE. I started my life BROKE. Stop worrying about shallow people and continue help those of us who care about SUBSTANCE. If Kai(?)-is that right?-doesn’t like your look, why does that mean he needs to ruin it for the rest of us? Tell him to “Hop it.”
Thank you Quantella
Hi James,
I like your style just as it is. The content that you deliver speaks for itself all the time. Keep wearing what you are comfortable in.
Howdy James,
No suit, keep doing what you’re doing, it’s great. You are a breath of fresh air to the IM community and I think that’s what people love about you.
Hi James,
This video has been a great way to engage your audience, and obviously your audience has quite a varied opinion. To be honest, when I viewed your video yesterday, I didn’t even notice the shirt, the stain, or the stubble until it was pointed out. I was focused on your message.
Those who personally focus on image probably notice how you dress, those who focus on message don’t care. Did I trust you less because you were wearing that shirt? Not one bit. I agree with those who say to wear what you feel comfortable in and just keep rockin’ the message. That is why we’re all here, James
just for the record – that poo brown looking stain on my Red T-Shirt – is a print :)
James that is classic how did you manage to stand outside naked to get that take? Hahahaha
Victoria Secrets has got nothing on you, lol
Be well my friend
Three things had to come together to get that shot.
1) Living on acres
2) remote control
3) Sydney weather
Good morning James,
As a sixth generation Merino breeder, I think you are dead on the money with the Merino top!
Anything Merino will look classy for longer.
Keep up the great work.
James, this video seriously made me laugh, the nude shot was hilarious! Thanks for making me smile.
You’re by far one of my most fav marketers online, I always watch your videos, and I always learn something from them.
So please don’t change… we love you just the way you are.
Sally :) x
And I thought I had a bad habit of commenting on other’s production values! At least this time I have your permission :)
I personally think you look better shaved but in the hoodie, but really that’s completely irrelevant what I think about that. It’s perhaps a good reminder that it’s important to look past shallow opinions on how someone should look, and focus on who they are as a person or what they have done or are doing and what they are saying. As others have said, that is the substance in your videos.
I introduced a mate of mine to your ideas and training and early on he commented that he thought you looked scruffy and it was putting him off… so I hit him over the head (not literally) and reminded him why he was watching the video (he was inspired by me passing on the ideas and messages) and he got over that BS pretty quick, and now he has your ideas working fvor him in his business. Results speak louder than looks!
You are authentic and genuine James and that is what grabs people. Not your shaving and dress habits. The more you try and refine and finesse to please people with crazy lists of what they think is right and wrong then the less genuine and authentic you become.
TLDR; be yourself, it works! But I think you knew this already.
I think also Mark I am likely to increase connection if I look less scruffy – this is the takeaway.
Cannot argue with that.
I think a lot has to do with preconceptions many business owners have as Mark highlights. As much as I do believe you should stay true to yourself you may be leaving food on the table because prospects who are in assess mode dont get your standpoint on dress.
Why not turn that into an advantage and do a video for your bio/about page ‘why i look/dress as i do’ I’m sure this would allow a few more to come over to the drinking well without dismissing what they potentially see as some scruffy guy from downunder. The converted dont mind, we get it (and support it!) but the stiffs I’m sure miss the opportunity :-)
nice Steve
Loved this video. Great laugh.
Your casual, approachable ‘non-corporate’ style works great for me. Spent too many years in a world where people looked the part but didn’t deliver. If you were clean-shaven, collared and corporate, you wouldn’t seem as trustworthy. Stay as you are but please no more nudity, that was a step too far!
(Secret: I was wearing pants)
Please just be yourself. No need for suits and shaving :) Cheers!
A for sure James… You are kidding when you asked for this feedback. Your brand has the loyalty similar to THE “Apple” (Although I haven’t seen anyone personally with JS or FWF shaved into their head).
For me it’s all about “Congruent Authenticity”. Displaying living beyond the norm, beyond needing slick, fancy or otherwise is your brand. Your journey moving from believing when younger that success comes from working your arse off and getting a top tier job with suit, tie, the perks (and pressure)… etc, to gaining real wisdom in identifying that dream was false—and stating why so, and the emptiness experienced once you got there. The plastic nature of it all…
There is a better way … : )
And you prove it with honesty, resolve and sincerity.
Showing others how they too can move to real success, low business overheads, efficient workflows and life business fun/balance on your own terms is achievable. Your story is a great one and provides much hope. You have closed a loop that many in a similar situation seek to do also. In fact, I see your story as the key underlying factor woven through all your correspondence that resonates with your target audience. Me included!
Rally the troops. Champion the cause. Indeed you live (not just preach) the winning formula.
Kudos to you!
This is too funny :) I’ll take the James that was sitting on the couch looking up at the camera…sheesh that waS a sexy look! haha roooaaaw ;P
So funny!! Great comparisons, made my lunch break :)
So funny!! Great comparisons, made my lunch break :)
thank you !