The lure of internet marketing lies in the potential to make lots of money from multiple income streams without having to spend more time at the office or working for a boss. It is the stuff of which dreams of financial freedom are made. Many people new to internet marketing find that striking a balance between business and the lifestyle they crave is difficult to achieve. As an internet marketer, you need to practice good time management to get things done.
Review projects often
Start by listing down everything you need to do for each project. Identify which projects work and which do not. Keep the ones that are doing well while discard those that are just a waste of your time and resources. Consider partnering with someone qualified to do a new project that you’ve been considering instead of starting from scratch to save time.
Every internet marketer should have a project management system like BasecampHQ which organizes projects, team members, tasks and schedules efficiently. Basecamp is a relatively inexpensive web-based system that can even be accessed via your iPhone, making it easy to stay on top of your projects and team wherever you go. It acts as a virtual office where members of your team can check off to-do lists, write messages or upload files on the system.
Mail filters
A lot of the messages that go into your email in-box may be things that you don’t need to read and which keep you from seeing the ones that require your immediate attention. Identify which emails you can read later (if ever!), like those from Facebook or newsletter subscriptions, and use filter preferences to direct these to individual labels assigned to them. Gmail and Yahoo Mail both have labels and filters under mail options. Another simple way to increase your productivity is by limiting the amount of time you spend on social networking sites, unless you’re conducting a specific marketing campaign around it.
You might be spreading yourself too thinly by doing everything yourself. Delegate some of the tasks which you may not be good at like internal accounting and book keeping, content writing and web development. Outsourcing ensures that tasks are done well, minus the headaches of doing them on your own.
While I still do my own simple web pages and sales copy, I outsource a great percentage of my articles and website projects to give me time to focus on other matters. I also recommend you outsource your home duties too such as lawn mowing….
Manage this well and profit
Having control over your time may be one of the perks of being an internet marketer but if you’re not careful with how you allocate it, you may be missing out on a lot of opportunities to increase profits and to enjoy life.
See also:
Use time more effectively in your business [InfoGraphic]
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