James Schramko here. And a buddy of mine, came out with a book recently called “This is the Answer”. And it reminded me of something that happened to me, gosh, nearly 20 years ago, actually.
It’s about 2001, I went around and visited this guy I knew who had a Mercedes-Benz dealership and a Mercedes-Benz smash repair, because I asked him if I could come and talk to him about business. And when I got there, I said, “Tell me, how did this happen? How did you get a dealership?”
And he said, “You’re after the holy grail, aren’t you?” And I said, yes. And he said, “It doesn’t exist.” He said, “As soon as you realize that, and you take responsibility to find the answers yourself, then that’s when you’ll succeed.” So I’m really grateful that I learned this lesson, way back in 2001.
And, I guess, that’s why I didn’t buy a lot of these courses and magic riches and push button wealth-type stuff because I know there’s no Holy Grail. And that is such a good reminder for you to know. You’ll have to discover a lot of stuff yourself. You’ll have to observe things but most importantly, question everything.
I’m James Schramko. I hope you’ve enjoyed this video.
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