In the old days, I used to set goals. I’d write them down, I’d think about them a lot, you know, very specific. At that time I had real needs. I had lots of kids, I had to pay bills, I wanted to get ahead, I needed to stamp my mark on the world and prove to everyone around me and to myself that I was the man.
And, you know, those written goals really helped me because they would just keep happening. I’d write them down and forget about them sometimes, and then they would still happen. But now I don’t do goals every 90 days, I’m not as process-oriented. I’m not as fixed as I used to be. So I’m much more organic now. I guess I’d say now I have more intentions or visions of what I like, or the way that I want to live my life. I keep refreshing the cycle of life and making it better and better. I want to set my future self up to be in a good position.
So I’m still generating income, I’m still generating happiness and fun, and I’m still focusing on relationships. I guess my goal, as such, is more Kaizen. It’s to keep improving life, that never-ending cycle of improvement, but not competing with other people. I don’t care about someone getting a Lamborghini, I don’t care if someone does $10 million a year, I don’t care if someone publishes a book with the exact same topic as me, because I’m not competing with them. I’m just refining my life for me.
So I want to build assets, for sure. I want to have a safe, protected future in terms of financial stability. I want to be healthy, I want to be happy, I want to have great relationships. I want to surf every day, I want to become a better surfer, I want more barrels. I want lots of time doing things I love. I’m reducing down the amount of hours I work. And I’m increasing up the amount of hours I spend with my kids. And I’m building a machine, a great business machine, which is what I do: I build recurring income. I build revenue income streams in multiple places. I create solutions that help people with books and products.
And I’m finding the leverage in that. And that just makes me happy. So I guess I’m the least goal-oriented I’ve ever been. But I still vision and I still imagine and I still think about what I want. And I know because of Psycho Cybernetics if you like, that we are goal-seeking devices, anyway. So it’s worth paying attention to the conversations going on in your brain. I’m constantly editing and updating the script that I’m rolling out for my life. And I know I’m in charge of it.
And I know that I can basically do things that I want if I focus on them. And I think about them, but I’m not as structured as I used to be with goals. And I’m not writing them in a journal, I’m not obsessive about it. I do have some yardsticks in mind, certain thresholds that I don’t go below. Like I have a certain bank balance that I will not drop below. If I did, I’d pedal harder. I want to surf every day. That’s a KPI that I hold true. One surf a day makes me very happy. I want to do fitness things, I’ve got relationship, habits and routines.
Hopefully that helps you sort of get a little bit behind the scenes as to how I’m thinking now that I’m more confident, mature, less competitive, a little more calm and soulful in my approach to life. But life is good. It’s a great life. In fact, I’m sort of having thoughts around this whole concept that it’s actually okay to settle with being settled instead of always needing something else or wanting something else or reaching for the horizon or having that gap of dissatisfaction. I’m actually quite content and I’m happy if life continues how it is or in a slightly improved version of it with no regrets.
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