When handled right, stress is not actually a bad thing.
In this podcast clip, Decoding Superhuman's Boomer Anderson shares a framework that may help you deal with stress better.
Boomer: Now let’s talk about a framework for stressing better, because this is a business show, right?
And so for your framework of stressing better, I do think that you need some benchmarks as to how stressed you are. Of course, I’m not suggesting number one. But if you want to stress better, sort of two key tips that I have for people, actually three.
Number one is hydrate. So actually make sure you’re drinking water throughout the day. I know that there’s a tendency among people that are hyper-focused and hyper-driven to just forget everything else and get into tunnel vision. And hydration does matter. It will zap your energy if you do not hydrate well. So that’s number one.
Number two is spend time outside in nature. There’s tons, and actually the Japanese prescribe this. I think in Scotland now, they prescribe time in nature as a remedy for people who are burnt out. And so I would do those two.
And then number three is learning how to breathe properly. And if you’re a surfer, you definitely need to know how to breathe properly.
James: Oh, you’re going after all my sweet spots. After sleep, breathing was my next frontier. I did breath-holding exercises, I lowered my resting pulse. I need to be able to stay underwater for quite some time and not panic and not burn up all the oxygen in my body when I’m letting the waves wash over. And it’s critical for me being able to adventure to the next stage in the cycle. But it’s also got a massive advantage. I was asthmatic before. I want to be able to run if I needed to for something, and not be out of breath.
Boomer: It’s a fantastic tool.
James: You know, the nature thing, that totally transformed my life. You know, every single day, walking down to the ocean barefoot, emerging into the sea, watching dolphins swim past, catching waves that are just energy, riding across the sea, is just, there’s nothing that comes close to that for me. It’s so soulful and spiritual in a way that I don’t prescribe everyone else do it, because it’d be a really crowded lineup. But definitely, it was a game-changer for me.
And I know, look, you’re a CrossFit instructor, you’ve found your thing. I think everyone should have their thing, whatever that is, that’s a release from the work side of it.
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