James Schramko here. Today, I’m sharing something with you that’s really important if you’re a manager of a team and something bad happens.
If there’s an incident; if you get told by one of your team members that something happened, there’s an incident; it could be with a customer, it could be between team members, but there’s a very important technique that you might want to be aware of before you go rushing in, getting angry about it, or starting to tune up, or correct the behavior of the person involved, and this is this one thing – get the facts.
Do your research, turn off your bias and your opinion until you’ve got the cold hard facts. And sometimes that means having a chat to all parties. So, you might want to have a chat to your customer, and you might want to have a chat to your team member, and you might just want to gather information and reserve judgment for after the facts have been heard.
I mean this is a little bit like in a court case with a jury. Everyone gets to present their argument and their sides and to go through the evidence and then the decision is made.
So, too often, I think the business owner is making a rash decision on just some of the facts. It can be very emotional and if you wait until you’ve got all the facts, you might find things are not what they first appeared as and you can make a more informed and accurate decision and get a better result.
I’m James Schramko. This is JamesSchramko.com
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