James Schramko here. I want to share with you one question that can really help you get a leap in sales.
I was recently speaking at a workshop, and we did some roundtables, and at that session, someone said, Hey, you know, one of the things you said in your presentation really hit home with me. I said, What was that? And he said, You had up on your slide, who has your customers?
That question when answered, will reveal the goldmine where you can go and dig for your next customers. If you can identify who has your customers, you can reach out, you can either do this the nice way where you align together, you do content together, you provide them something interesting they can put into their membership, you do a podcast or whatever.
Or you can also market to those audiences. You can be present, sometimes even paying to be in their group, marketing in their sphere, commenting on their content, creating similar content with the same sort of keywords and appearing near their content, related content.
These are all valid strategies. But it all starts with knowing who has your customer. Once you identify that, then it’s easy to think what else do you have in common and where can you meet that customer and start that relationship.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this tip. I’m James Schramko. This is SuperFastBusiness.com
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