James: James Schramko here from SuperFastBusiness.com. I have John Lint from 10XPRO.io with me, of course.
John: Hey, everybody!
James: We’ve been talking about stuff relating to courses and memberships. And a broader topic around this is really your positioning in the marketplace with your audience, and how people are going to think about you. Marketing is basically how people think about you when you’re not there. And whether you’re congruent to your brand, whether you reflect the things that you say, and whether you find your tribe, and if they feel comfortable with you.
John, you and I’ve had conversations around positioning a few times. And I know that each of us could be classed as contrarian with some of the things we talk about. And I know for a fact that polarizes people. I’d love you to share your experience with sort of feedback you’ve had from members of 10XPRO and from our course OnlineCourseSystem.com. What sort of evidence are you seeing that positioning has led people to an impression about you?
John: Yeah, I mean, that’s very important, you know, and that’s something that we teach in OnlineCourseSystem.com, where we teach you how to create, how to launch, how to profit from your online course. And it’s all about what kind of stand are you taking, you know? And it’s important to take a stand because you want people to be attracted to you. And it’s okay if not everybody is attracted to you, right?
You’re going to repel some people by what you say, or the way you say it. And I don’t think you should be afraid of it. Actually, you should embrace it, because it’s important. The worst mistake is to try to be generic, try to be boring, trying to please everybody. You can’t do that, because if you try to sell to everybody, you’re not selling to anybody, right?
So you need to really make sure that whatever you do, in your brand, in your positioning, when you are talking about your course, when you’re promoting it, well, make sure that people know. Okay, well, this person is like that, he likes this, he doesn’t like this. And yeah, you might lose some people, but the people that you’re going to attract are going to really like you a lot.
So, you know, you have seen those celebrities online, I listened to a lot of podcasts, and one of them is Joe Rogan’s podcast. And if you have followed that guy, you know what kind of guy he is. And, you know, he drops F bombs, he has a specific lifestyle. And some people are attracted to that, other people are not at all attracted to that. And that’s okay. Because you know, the reality is that there’s enough people to build your own tribe.
And for us, in the niche publishers, information publishers, we don’t want to dominate the world, you’re not going to attract everybody in the world. What you want is to do is to build your own audience, your own tribe, your own community of loyal fans, guys who are going to be watching your videos, buying your courses, buying your new courses, so you’re going to have more customers and more repeat buyers that way. And I think it’s very important for you to try to not please everybody, but really show your own style. And yeah, what you stand for.
James: And how confident do you think you can be in the early phases? I mean, you and I were at a phase in business now where we’re reasonably confident and certain of ourselves, we have some financial stability, we have reserves, we’ve been around the block. It’s easy for me to say like, you know, I watched an Instagram influencer, the other day who’d published a video telling everyone that millionaires set a 6:15 alarm clock. And like every fiber of my body was just screaming out. That’s just not true. You know, it made me feel like I want to express my opinion, I guess I’m doing that now. Right? I’m talking about it.
I imagine an early-to-the-market person might think, Oh, I just have to just compromise on my thoughts for a while until I’m established. What do you think about that?
John: Well, I mean, it depends, right? You don’t have to fight everybody and fight the system all the time. But you kind of want to show people that, you know, what are your values? What is important to you? Like for example, with 10XPRO.io, I really try to go above and beyond. I do like, one-on-one coaching calls with every single customer, I’m online every single week, I’m doing live Q&A calls. So I’m really trying to show people that you know, all these guru word, where you buy your course and then you never hear from the owner again.
James: That’s why my forum was started in the very first place. I think the point here is, it’s good to pick an enemy, to have a fight with an enemy. It doesn’t have to be a person.
John: Right.
James: The enemy in your case might be overwhelm, overload, too many tools, confusion, no support. And that’s the enemy. And you solved that with your problem. So you can pick fight with the enemy, you can say, you know, you can kick sand in the face of overwhelm. You can tell all those people with the different systems that you don’t need their service anymore because you found the tool that solves it all.
If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to get that information from your head online and start banking money from sales of that, go and get OnlineCourseSystem.com, where we lay it out for you. And with the support and the instruction and the system, the tool that can actually house it. Basically, your chances of success skyrocket high, and so the enemy can basically, that’s the fight. The enemy is just the fact that people never get stuff done. And now they can.
John: Yeah, totally. Yeah, totally agree. You don’t want to burn bridges, you don’t want to make any personal enemies.
James: But you know, taking ideology or like a something that’s happening in your market or something that you notice then you can say, Well, I’m not that. I’m actually opposed to that, I hate that. And you’ll find out people who also don’t like it.
For example, I dedicated a whole chapter to my book about why I’m not absolutely enamored with the launch business model that some people push. And I’ve attracted a lot of people who have been stressed out, wrung out. You know, they’ve had failures they’ve spent a lot of money, they haven’t got a result, their adrenal overload is severe, they’ve had support blowouts, they weren’t able to deliver the products. They’re very disappointed with their results. But they love this idea that you can actually have an automated evergreen funnel, that with a little bit of content marketing or some paid traffic, you just keep topping it up. And it’s no longer seasonal, which is one of the big problems with the launch model.
And then, of course, someone like you comes along with a tool that even solves that. Automated launch-like atmosphere without actually having to do the hands-on full launch. So kudos to you, as well.
John: Totally. Yeah. So that’s it. I think that we covered that topic and bottom line, be yourself. Don’t be afraid to show it and stand for something.
James: And don’t worry if not everyone loves you, it’s just they’re not going to. But the people who recognize you and see you for what you stand for will come on board strong. Thanks so much, John. Check out 10XPRO.io.
I’m James Schramko from SuperFastBusiness.com. Check out wherever you see this video, we publish more just like it. We also do a weekly roundup at SuperFastBusiness. If it’s YouTube, subscribe to the channel. If you’re on Facebook, make sure you subscribe to that page. If you’re on LinkedIn, make sure you add me as a network, etc. And we’ll get these episodes out to you on a frequent basis.
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