James: James Schramko here, SuperFastBusiness.com, chatting with Lloyd Thompson from VirtualDOO.com.
Lloyd, working with visionaries as you do as a fractional integrator, I know you’ve been in there helping them out with people and systems and you’ve had your team doing stuff. And I’m curious, like, what sort of shifts do you see with the visionary themselves? Like, compared to when you started, what they were doing and the results they were getting, versus after having you come in there and sought them out?
Lloyd: Yeah, I’m glad you asked it like that. Because if I was so focused on the company changes, I could write a whole book on that and I honestly don’t need to own a TV with the amount of change happening around me in companies.
So specifically for the founder or the visionary. First one would be, allowing visionaries to take time away from their business and still be confident that the trains are running on time. In saying this, I’d expected visionaries to want to do less, but actually, quite often, they just want to focus on other things. They find more other things enjoyable or interesting. So they’ll focus on that. It might be strategy. But for one client, he likes the creative side. And he likes shooting promotional videos for his company. Much prefers to do that in the operational run stuff.
Another would be peace of mind that key risks have been reduced. Key person risk is a big one. And by systemizing businesses, we’re able to help train others. If one person wins the lotto, the owner doesn’t have to worry that, Ah, this is it. It’s game over for my business.
James: I like that so much better than the “if-they-get-squashed-by-a-jeepney” metaphor.
Lloyd: Yeah, I’ve changed that over time.
James: Yeah, that’s good. I’m gonna use that one. Thank you.
Lloyd: Wins the lotto.
James: Hopefully, it wasn’t a syndicate from the Lunch Room, you know? Like, the whole business quits on one day.
Lloyd: I don’t have a solution for you, necessarily.
James: We need two Lloyds, please. Thank you very much.
Lloyd: I think one other one is just a simple one. Just talking to one person rather than what I’ve seen before where the visionary might be scatter-gunning.
James: Yeah, they come in spraying rrrr-rrrrr…Just handing it all out, all the time, to every channel possible. At weekends, after-hours phone calls, sending mail… Like, I know what you mean. Crazy.
Lloyd: They talk to one person. They just talk to the integrator, Here’s my wish list. And we will work with them to prioritize it and put it through the machine and the processes we put in place to get it done.
James: I love that. That is amazing. You’re doing good stuff over there and appreciate it.
Well, if you are a visionary, and you’re interested in having a fractional integrator come in and get everything done, if you just want to talk to your fractional integrator, instead of 16 different people through every possible channel, get in touch with Lloyd, VirtualDOO.com. And ask him if they can help you out.
Lloyd: Thanks, James.
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