James: James Schramko here, SuperFastBusiness.com, chatting with Lloyd Thompson from VirtualDOO.com. That’s DOO.
Now, Lloyd, you’ve been helping visionaries with their business. I just wanted, from some of the clients that you’ve worked with where you’ve come in there, taken over control of their people and systems and got things actually working properly… What sort of transformations have you seen, or been able to generate, from your time with those visionaries from when you started to a little bit down the track?
Lloyd: Those real transformations are normally just as a result of making simple changes that have big impact. So we tend to work with the team and facilitate gradual improvements to their existing processes. We’re a fresh set of eyes. We see them, we go through, we map out the process, and we see those. We’re trying to avoid any kind of change fatigue, we just make small changes. To give you a few examples of some of the things – in Project land, we’ve put in some simple project management processes and rhythms for managing projects. And the result increases throughput. And the team enjoys having the clarity of work, they know what they’re going to work on next. It’s much better for the team, it’s much better for the founder. So that’s Project.
In the People space, this one’s more subtle, having those rules of engagement, how different teams and people are going to play together has reduced friction between teams. It’s a much nicer place to work, if people are getting along or know the rules of engagement, how you’re going to work together. Quite often, there’s no solid rule there. But a really simple one to give you an example is, if you’re going to say something that’s going to be contentious, you’re going to disagree with another department, don’t Slack chat them or send them anything. Pick up the phone and call them old-fashioned. It carries the tone much, much better, removes a lot of friction. So that would be one change that we’ve seen a big change, a big improvement in one of the companies.
Finally, in the Process Improvement space, we put some automation in for a customer. And that’s just reduced manual tasks down from hours to minutes. So that’s obviously a big, big improvement there for them.
James: I think I’ve actually seen that one. My client who I sent to you to get some help sent me a Loom video with a walkthrough of this new tool that you’ve helped developed. I think he ran out superlatives just to describe how much it’s changed his world and how excited he is and how happy.
Lloyd: That’s great.
James: On the back of that alone, I’d say it sort of makes me look pretty good by sending you across to help out. But the best thing for me is when I see two of my friends / clients being able to create magic together. And I think for me that watching a visionary see their idea get done, that they’ve been dreaming about or thinking about but getting so frustrated at not being able to find the right people or not knowing exactly where to go or making some false starts in some cases, where they’ve tried to do the right – they want to do the investment, they roll up the sleeves and do the hiring or the training on it and then someone flakes on them or doesn’t deliver… to have that actually completed is epic!
So thanks for all the work you’re doing over there at VirtualDOO.com. I’m chatting with Lloyd Thompson there. He’s a good man. His email address, if you want to get in touch – sorry for giving this out, Lloyd – [email protected]. Ask Lloyd, if you need some help. I think he’s the right guy for the job.
James: Thanks, James.
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